Korean actors
Top 15 Handsome
#KoreanActor #KoreanDrama #Oppa
Track info:
Title: 24 happy hours a day
By Igor khainskyo
Genre and mood: Country & folk + Happy
License: Royalty-free music for youtube, face book and intagram videos giving the approciate credit.
Link: https://youtu.be/mLyP3rqZe3U
Title: Say it to my face (ft.Dylan Emmet) by leonell cassio
Genre and mood: Dance & Eloctronic Dramatic.
Link: https://youtu.be/x5yMt8RLBB4
Top 15 Handsome
#KoreanActor #KoreanDrama #Oppa
Track info:
Title: 24 happy hours a day
By Igor khainskyo
Genre and mood: Country & folk + Happy
License: Royalty-free music for youtube, face book and intagram videos giving the approciate credit.
Link: https://youtu.be/mLyP3rqZe3U
Title: Say it to my face (ft.Dylan Emmet) by leonell cassio
Genre and mood: Dance & Eloctronic Dramatic.
Link: https://youtu.be/x5yMt8RLBB4
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