"Ride Me Down Easy," written by Billy Joe Shaver, is a classic country song that showcases Shaver's knack for vivid storytelling and poetic lyricism. Shaver initially recorded the song in 1973 for his debut album *Old Five and Dimers Like Me,* produced by Kris Kristofferson. This album is widely regarded as a cornerstone of the outlaw country movement and cemented Shaver's reputation as a brilliant songwriter.
Waylon Jennings recognized the song's potential and recorded his version for the 1973 album *Honky Tonk Heroes.* Jennings' interpretation of "Ride Me Down Easy" brought Shaver's songwriting to a broader audience and contributed significantly to the song's enduring popularity.
Waylon Jennings recognized the song's potential and recorded his version for the 1973 album *Honky Tonk Heroes.* Jennings' interpretation of "Ride Me Down Easy" brought Shaver's songwriting to a broader audience and contributed significantly to the song's enduring popularity.
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- Waylon Jennings
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