Gita Sadhana, Day 44

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Today's almanac: Sunrise 7:36a 30F/-1C wind chill 28F/-2C wind from Northeast
Theme: The Roots of War
Topic: Conflicting beliefs and simpler times
Dedication: Waylon Jennings and Deni and TC
Tree: 1 round
Meditation: What is a strong belief you have about yourself, and from whence did it come? with option for Kapota mudra

The Day the Music Died link:

Sadhana is a continuous, dedicated practice to deepen one's understanding. You are welcome to join Atmadarshan as she undertakes a year-long sadhana based on samatvam (equanimity), a core teaching of the Bhagavad Gita. Each practice will consist of 1 round of one-footed prayer/tree pose; a five minute meditation; and a short explanation of a concept or verse from this important text.

All are welcome. To fully experience the concept of samatvam, being the same under all circumstances, you're encouraged to practice in the same location, in the same type of clothing, and at the same time daily.

Atmadarshan will post a live video daily as circumstances (i.e. internet connection) permit. Subscribe to this channel to receive updates or get them in her weekly newsletter by signing up at
Waylon Jennings
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