Dragon Age Origins Mage Nils Part 7 We reach Lothering, meet the Templars and Leliana! (Hard)

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Dragon Age Origins Mage Nils Part 7 We reach Lothering, meet the Templars and Leliana!

We leave the home of Flemeth deep in the Wilds and bring Morrigan with us as we travel to Lothering to continue Nils journey. On the way there we get a cutscene that shows us waht is happening right now and that Loghain is trying to rebuild the army that was lost at Ostagar, but the other nobles of Ferelden are hesitant to follow him, even if he is a Hero.

Nils and his compaions gets interupted on thier journey to Lothering of a Mabari that rushes to warn them of some Darkspawn that is aproaching the group. They make short work of them and they realize that the Mabari that came to warn them is the same one that Nils help back at Ostagar. It has benn imprinted onto Nils and has chosen him as his master. Nils names the Mabari Arfdemon and continue thier journey to Lothering.

Upon arrival to Lothering so is the group attacked by Highwaymen, but again the gruop has not much truoble with the enemy, though Nils does get knocked out. In Lothering so do we talk about our next step about what we should do. We can't really decide yet, but the group way thier options before continuing.

In Lothering so will the team meet more characters, such as the Leaders of the Templas in Lothering, The Revered Mother, a Scared Chasind, an old aquaintance of Alistair and the many refugees that are fleeing the Darkspawn horde. many of these eed aid and Nils decides to help them out.

The group also explore the Tavern in Lothering, where they come upon soldiers under the command of Loghain that has been ordered to stay there and wait for other Grey wardens that may ahve survived the battle of Ostagar. These men sees the Grey Wardens as traitors, that is what Loghain has told them and they believed every word. A fight happens with this hostile group of soldiers, but a chantry sister rushes to Nils and his companions help.

Nils and his companions make short work of the other Soldiers and tells them to bring a message to Loghian, before letting them run away. They then turn to the chantry sister to thank her and she introduces herself as Leliana and she wants to join us on our journey. When asked why she simple says: "the maker told me so". She explains upon being questioned that themaker came to her in a dream and told her n some way that she should help defeat the blight. Since Nils know they are gonna need all the help they can get so does he accept Lelianas offer for help and she happily joins the group.

Dragon Age Origins is a fantasy RPG created by Bioware and released in 2009. In Dragon Age you take on the role of a Grey Warden, a Legendary order of Warriors that battle the dark evil that plauges the lands of Theads, the Darkspawn and thier Blight. Your mission is to stop the Darkspawn from taking over a country called Ferelden and to gather Allies and companions that will help you on your way to defeat the Darkspawn Horde. Will you prevail and defeat the Darkspawn or will you fall while trying?
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