Chapter I: The Meager | Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lion | Part 2

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Barbaneth Beoulve, a great hero in his own right who had attained the distinguished title of Knight Gallant, approaches the hour of his death.

The Beoulve Manse
In the waning days of the Fifty Year's War...

Knight Gallant Barbaneth Beolve: What news of... of the war?

Knight Devout Zalbaag Beoulve: The Order has struck a great blow. Limberry is ours once more. We will be able to recall our forces in Zeltennia anon. All goes as planned, Lord Father. Be not troubled.

Lord Dycedarg Beoulve: The envoy dispatched to Advocate Lenarrio has returned. He has agreed to your proposal, Lord Father.

Barbaneth: Good. Very... good. Then, the war will die with me.

Alma: Father...

Barbaneth: There now, Alma. Do you want my... my last memory to be of your tear's?

Zalbaag: Where is that Ramza? He should be here at your side!

Barbaneth: Dycedarg. Zalbaag. You are dear to me. But Ramza is no less so. Though he be not the issue of the womb that bore you, my sons, still my blood courses his veins watch after him.

Ramza: Lord Father!

Dycedarg: You forget yourself, Ramza.

Barbaneth: You have come. Good. Let me ... let me look once more on your face.

Ramza: Lord Father...

Barbaneth: How long has it been? You've grown into a ... a fine young man. I would hear of your studies. You've been at the Akademy since... since spring, is it?

Ramza: ...

Barbaneth: Hear me Ramza. For generations, we Beoulve have stood forrmost of those who serve the Crown. Ours is the soul of the knight. Become a knight worthy of your name. Tolerate no injustice. Storey not from the true path you will know the path you must walk. A Beoulve can... can walk no other.

Ramza: I will not fail you, Father

Barbaneth: Your friend, Delita. He is a good boy. He is lowborn, but he can serve you well. I've made arrangements for him to enter the Akademy *chuckles* you should have seen the look on the headmaster's face. In the years ahead you will need someone whom you can trust. You could do far worse than Delita.

Take care of your sister

And show those brothers of yours what it is...
What it is to be a knight...

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Settings: Mandalia Plain

Highwayman 1: Looks like this one'a still alive. What do we do with him?
Highwayman 2: What do you -think- we do with him?
Highwayman 1: Right then. Your luck's run out. Knave, if ever you had any.
Highwayman 2: Blast! One of the Order's patrols

Delita: The Corpse Brigade... And they've a hostage in their midst.
Ramza: We must rescue their captive! To do less would be unbecoming of men of the Order.
Argath: Reinforcements... and none too soon.

* highwayman defeated *

Ramza: Are you harmed?
Argath: I'll be fine. It is for the marquis's safety I fear.
Ramza: The marquis? The marquis Elmdore de Limberry was here?
Argath: The very same. And to whom do I owe my gratitude?
Ramza: We are knights apprentice from the Akademy at Gariland. We may be able to help you. But first I would hear more.

[After the battle, the three men introduce each other.]

Argath: My name is Argath, a knight in His Excellency the marquis Elmdore de Limberry's household.
Delita: A knight, you say?
Argath: Well, truth be told, I am a knight are you, if I'm not far mistaken.
Ramza (nodding): A fellow knight-in-training, then. I am Ramza Beoulve, and this is Delita Heiral, my trusted friend.

[Delita nods at mention of his name, and Argath has a pleasant look on his face.]

Argath: Beoulve? You're not of the Beoulves of the Order of the Northern Sky, are you? What fantastic luck! A blessing in the midst of disaster!
Ramza: What-?
Argath (taking Ramza's hands): The Order can help me rescue the marquis! It must!
Delita: The marquis is held captive?
Argath: They took him hostage, yes, but he still lives! We must act quickly if he is to remain so. Should he be killed, I will lose everything...

[Again, he takes Ramza's hand.]

You simply -must- help me! Please! I beg you!

Delita: Calm yourself. Who's to say your marquis is to be killed, anyway? The Corpse Brigade would not take a man alive save there were value in keeping him so. Of that you can be sure.

Ramza: There's little the three of us can do to help, in any case. If the
marquis was taken hostage, Eagrose will be in an uproar. You can be sure of that, too.

Delita: Then before all else we will report in to Eagrose. Are we agreed?

Argath (freeing Ramza): Agreed. We'll start there.

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